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Soal Tes Toeic Dan Kunci Jawaban

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  1. Soal Tes Toeic Dan Kunci Jawabannya
  2. Soal Tes Toeic Dan Kunci Jawaban 2019

Berikut ini adalah beberapa kumpulan soal dan jawaban yang ada pada salah satu bagian dari listening comprehension pada tes toeic yaitu tes photograph part 3 yang terdiri dari soal 41 60. Toeic banyak digunakan apabila kita ingin mencari pekerjaan di luar negri atau bekerja di perusahaan asing yang ada di indonesia.

  • Contoh Soal Test TOEIC Terlengkap. Mengikuti test Toeic dalah satu cara untuk mengetahui kemampuan berkomunikasi dengan bahasa Inggris. Bagi banyak orang test ini lumayan sulit, karena itu saya akan berbagi contoh untuk soal test Toecic terlengkap.
  • Dan kunci jawaban latihan tes. Pengertian Test Toeic dan contoh soal beserta jawaban. Tes TOEIC® adalah tes keahlian berbahasa Inggris untuk orang-orang yang bahasa Ibunya bukan Bahasa.
  • Soal Tes Toefl Dan Kunci Jawaban Pdf Written Expression Directions: In questions 5–10, each sentence has four underlined words or phrases. The four underlined parts of the sentence are marked A, B, C and D. Identify the one underlined word or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct.
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Kunci TOEFL Structure. Jadi jawaban (B) salah dan harusnya diganti dengan kata. Bagi sebagian besar para calon peserta tes TOEFL, bagian soal TOEFL listening. Disini di rangkum contoh dari soal toeic dan toefl yang sering di ujikan oleh penyedia jasa sertifikasi. Latihan Tes IELTS online dan jawaban legkap. D Kunci Jawaban Soal Tes TOEFL Model Test 1. Untuk melihat structure test bagian 1 dan 2 silahkan kunjungi link Soal Tes TOEFL dan Pembahasan Kunci Jawaban.

Written Expression Directions: In questions 5–10, each sentence has four underlined words or phrases. The four underlined parts of the sentence are marked A, B, C and D. Identify the one underlined word or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen. Look at the following examples: Example I Guppies are sometimes call rainbow fish because of the males' bright colors A call B fish C because D bright The sentence should read, 'Guppies are sometimes called rainbow fish because of the males' bright colors.' Therefore, you should choose answer A. Example II Serving several term in Congress, Shirley Chisholm became an important United States politician. Politician The sentence should read, 'Serving several terms in Congress, Shirley Chisholm became an important United States politician.' Therefore, you should choose answer B.

Kunci jawaban bahasa indonesia

Jadi kita butuhkan subject dan verb. Dari pilihan jawaban hanya pilihan jawaban A yang mempunyai subject (wild violets) dan verb (grows). The art works of Madlyn-Ann Woolwich are characterized by strong, dark colors and fine attention to patterns of light —— the viewer's eye. (A) that attract (B) when attracted (C) which attraction (D) attract to Pembahasan Jawaban: Adjective Clause 6.

In rapid ways Kunci dan Pembahasan Jawaban 1. C Pembahasan Jawaban: sangat mudah dipahami dari pendekatan makna 2. D Pembahasan Jawaban: one of the + plural nouns (children) 3. B Pembahasan Jawaban: A.

Anda bisa lihat bahwa clause pertama kehilangan verb (kata kerja) olehnya yang harus kita cari yaitu verb yang bisa mengisi clause tersebut. Jawaban A salah. Clause ke dua menggunakan kata kerja bentuk past (called) jadi begin yang berbentuk present tidak paralel dengan clause ke dua tersebut. Kalimat harus paralel.

Scott Fitzgerald's early literary success led to extravagant living and ---------- a large income. (A) a need for (B) to need for (C) needed for (D) for he needed 14. Water fire extinguishers must never be used for fires that involve--------(A) electrically equipped (B) equipment, electrically (C) electricity equipped (D) electrical equipment 15. By the 1300s, the Spanish had learned that gunpowder could -------- propel an object with incredible force. (A) use to (B) be used to (C) been used to (D) using it to Soal Tes TOEFL dan Pembahasan Jawaban (Structure Model Test 1 by Barron's) 1. Fort Niagara was built by the French in 1726 on land.the Seneca Indians.

The distinguishing feature of a fluid, in contrast to a solid, is the ease _____. (A) that a deformed fluid (B) to deform a fluid (C) when a fluid that is deformed (D) with which a fluid may be deformed 14. Oxygen and nutrients reach the body's tissues ____ from the blood through the capillary wall. (A) pass (B) by passing (C) to be passing (D) have passed Pembahasan Jawaban: Kalimat di atas sudah lengkap subject dan verb jadi tidak butuh lagi verb. Pilihan A dan D sudah jelas salah. Pilihan C tidak sesuai dengan konteks kalimat. _____ important development of the Neolithic age was not in the manufacture of stone tools but in the production of food.

(d) a discussion of the problem was made by the members of the committee. Pembahasan Jawaban: Having been served lunch (seusai dihidangkan makan malam) Yang dihidangkan ialah 'the committee' 8. Florida has not yet ratified the equal rights amendment, and __________. (a) several other states hasn't either. (b) neither has some of the others states.

Subordinate conjunction ialah conjunction atau connector yang bisa terletak di awal dan di pertengahan kalimat. The principal purpose of aviation medicine is _____ by people aboard an air¬craft in flight. (A) to study the stress experienced (B) study the experienced stress (C) to study stress experiencing (D) study the stress experience Pembahasan Jawaban: is to study (is + to infinitive) adalah bentuk umum / sudah sangat umum digunakan dalam kalimat. To study the stress experienced (untuk memplejari tekanan yang dialami) 1. In simple animals. Reflex movement or involuntary response to stimuli. (A) behavior mostly (B) most is behavior (C) most behavior is (D) the most behavior Pembahasan Jawaban: (C) Most digunakan sebelum noncount noun untuk mengekspresikan suatu kuantitas yang lebih besar dari sentengah.

(c) the students could hand in their reports on Monday. (d) the student will on Monday the reports turn in.

Who of all 15. An axiomatic assumption in physics holds that all matter has kinetic energy.motion and mass. Because its b. Because of its c. Because it is d.

(A) Yesterday (B) In the morning (C) Traffic (D) Cars Dalam contoh di atas Anda melihat langsung bahwa ada sebuah, tapi tidak ada subjek. Jawaban (C) adalah jawaban yang tepat karena mengandung subjek tunggal 'traffic' dan sesuai dengan kata kerja tunggal 'was'. Jawaban (A), 'yesterday', dan jawaban (B), 'in the morning', bukanlah subjek, karenanya keduanya tidak benar. Meskipun jawaban (D), 'cars', bisa jadi subjek, itu pun tidak benar. Karena 'cars' berbentuk jamak, sehingga tidak sesuai dengan kata kerja tunggal 'was'. Susah cari metode belajar TOEFL yang Efektif?

(A) to being (B) being (C) be (D) on being Pembahasan Jawaban: Pasangan Phrase: intent + on 4. Woodrow Wilson believed the United States' entry into World War I would put a _____ to the war in months. (A) to stop (B) stop (C) stopping (D) will had stopped Pembahasan Jawaban: article 'a' + noun Dari pilihan jawaban hanya B yang merupakan kata benda (noun). _____ of New York's Erie Canal greatly enhanced trade in the upstate region.

Fast-food restaurants have become popular because many working people want. (A) to eat quickly and cheaply (B) eating quickly and cheaply (C) eat quickly and cheaply (D) the eat quickly and cheaply Pembahasan Jawaban: want + to infinitive 13. After seeing the movie Centennial.

Is a landmark in d. Is in a landmark 2. Young deer _________. Are called fawns b.

It was decided that he was not capable to complete the research d. His ability to finish the research was not believed or trusted 13. The committee members resented __________ a. The president that he did not tell them about the meeting b.

Melihat keseluruhan konteks dalam kalimat tersebut, maka jelaslah bahwa yang dimaksud disini adalah tomatoes dalam bentuk plural. Maka dari itu, pasangan yang sesuai setelah bentuk plural adalah singular. Jadi jawaban (B) salah dan harusnya diganti dengan kata singular grow.

They are affected because c. Affect them because d. Because affecting them 8. Only.feathered creatures inhabit the Arctic region year around. Fewer than c.

Anda Kurang Puas Beritahu Kami!!

On Ellesmere Island in the Arctic one fossil forest consist of a nearly hundred A B large stumps scattered on an exposed coal bed. The surface conditions on the planet Mars are the more like the Earth's than are A B C those of any other planet in the solar system. The midnight sun is a phenomenon in which the Sun visible remains in the sky A B C for twenty-four hours or longer. The Humber River and its valley form a major salmon-fishing, lumbering, hunting, A B C and farmer region in western Newfoundland, Canada. D Pembahasan Soal dan Jawaban A. Jawab: (C) To meet Keyword: the demands of aerospace Pembahasan: Pola infinitive phrase: to infinitive + object of to infinitive Kalimat tersebut menyatakan tujuan atau maksud.

Jawaban yang benar ialah B. Which berfungsi sebagai connector sekaligus sebagai subject dari verb (forebode).

A major problem in the construction of new buildings _______________ A. Is that windows have been eliminates while air conditioning systems have not been perfected B. Is they have eliminated windows and still don't have good air conditioning C. Is because windows are eliminated but air conditioners don't work good D.

The bicycle of John broke down B. It happened that John's bike broke down C.

Soal Toefl Dan Kunci Jawaban

May kick them ball d. Must kick them balls 8. The observation deck at the Sears Tower _________ in Chicago. Is highest than any other one b. Is highest than any other one c.


Kunci Jawaban Un

Karena itu pilihan yang tepat untuk perbandingan adalah rather than. An unconsolidated aggregate of slit particles is also termed slit, a consolidated aggregate is called siltstone. Whether Pembahasan Jawaban: Whereas Key word: an consolidated aggregate of slit particlesa consolidated aggregate. Kalimat ini membandingkan dua hal yang berbeda, yaitu unconsolidated aggregate of slit particles dan consolidated aggregate. Karena keduanya berbeda, kita membutuhkan kata sambung yang berarti 'sementara itu', yaitu whereas.

Jadi sebelum adjective clause di atas mesti ada noun yang dijelaskan. Pilihan C sudah jelas salah karena bukan noun yang sebelum adjective clause tapi 'been'. Langkah 2: Kalimat di atas terdapat 1 clause 'that try to explain the origins of the university' yang terdapat connector 'that' yang juga berfungsi sebagai subject dari verb 'try'. Adanya 1 connector menandakan dalam kalimat tersebut terdapat dua clause. Olehnya yang kita butuhkan dari pilihan jawaban ialah 1 clause.

The part to the 5. The bones of the elderly are more prone to fractures and splintering.of young people. Than those c. Those than d. English and Scottish settlers.Belfast as a trading post in 1613.


(C) Old-eight centuries. (D) eight-century-old. There were two small rooms in the beach house, _______ served as as a kitchen. (A) The smaller of which (B) The Smallest of which.

Read the following passage: John Quincy Adams, who served as the sixth president of the United States from 1825 to 1829, is today recognized for his masterful statesmanship and diplomacy. He dedicated his life to public service, both in the presidency and in the various other political offices that he held. Throughout his political career he demonstrated his unswerving belief in freedom of speech, the antislavery cause, and the right of Americans to be free from European and Asian domination. Example I To what did John Quincy Adams devote his life? (A) Improving his personal life (B) Serving the public (C) Increasing his fortune (D) Working on his private business According to the passage, John Quincy Adams 'dedicated his life to public service.'

Although masuk dalam kategori subordinate connector yang letaknya bisa di antara ke dua clause bisa juga depan kalimat. _____ several universities that have excellent engineering schools. (A) There are (B) The (C) There is a lot of (D) Some of Pembahasan Jawaban: Kalimat di atas terdapat dua clause ditandai adanya connector 'that'. Clause 1 '—— several universities' kehilangan kata kerja. Clause 2 'that have excellent engineering schools' sudah lengkap.

In the first few months of life, an infant learns how to lift its head, smile, and _____. (A) parents to recognize (B) recognize its parents (C) recognizing its parents (D) the recognizing of its parents Pembahasan Jawaban: Parallel Structure: lift (infinitive), smile (infinitive), and recognize (infinitive) 12. Juana Inez de la Cruz _____ Mexico's greatest female poet.

-Mungkin bagi agan2 yang baru ingin memesan pasti ragu dengan saya. Gak masalah gan, namanya juga costmer saya sebagai penjual mengerti kok:)) Kalau yang sudah mengenal AbidinSeto pasti uda ga ragu kok gann hehehe. Entar di bawah saya kirim bukti sertifikat yang sudah saya urus dan TESTIMONI costmer yang sudah memesan kepada saya. Untuk Privasi apakah bisa di jaga?

Soal Tes Toeic Dan Kunci Jawaban

Jadi kita butuhkan subject dan verb. Dari pilihan jawaban hanya pilihan jawaban A yang mempunyai subject (wild violets) dan verb (grows). The art works of Madlyn-Ann Woolwich are characterized by strong, dark colors and fine attention to patterns of light —— the viewer's eye. (A) that attract (B) when attracted (C) which attraction (D) attract to Pembahasan Jawaban: Adjective Clause 6.

In rapid ways Kunci dan Pembahasan Jawaban 1. C Pembahasan Jawaban: sangat mudah dipahami dari pendekatan makna 2. D Pembahasan Jawaban: one of the + plural nouns (children) 3. B Pembahasan Jawaban: A.

Anda bisa lihat bahwa clause pertama kehilangan verb (kata kerja) olehnya yang harus kita cari yaitu verb yang bisa mengisi clause tersebut. Jawaban A salah. Clause ke dua menggunakan kata kerja bentuk past (called) jadi begin yang berbentuk present tidak paralel dengan clause ke dua tersebut. Kalimat harus paralel.

Scott Fitzgerald's early literary success led to extravagant living and ---------- a large income. (A) a need for (B) to need for (C) needed for (D) for he needed 14. Water fire extinguishers must never be used for fires that involve--------(A) electrically equipped (B) equipment, electrically (C) electricity equipped (D) electrical equipment 15. By the 1300s, the Spanish had learned that gunpowder could -------- propel an object with incredible force. (A) use to (B) be used to (C) been used to (D) using it to Soal Tes TOEFL dan Pembahasan Jawaban (Structure Model Test 1 by Barron's) 1. Fort Niagara was built by the French in 1726 on land.the Seneca Indians.

The distinguishing feature of a fluid, in contrast to a solid, is the ease _____. (A) that a deformed fluid (B) to deform a fluid (C) when a fluid that is deformed (D) with which a fluid may be deformed 14. Oxygen and nutrients reach the body's tissues ____ from the blood through the capillary wall. (A) pass (B) by passing (C) to be passing (D) have passed Pembahasan Jawaban: Kalimat di atas sudah lengkap subject dan verb jadi tidak butuh lagi verb. Pilihan A dan D sudah jelas salah. Pilihan C tidak sesuai dengan konteks kalimat. _____ important development of the Neolithic age was not in the manufacture of stone tools but in the production of food.

(d) a discussion of the problem was made by the members of the committee. Pembahasan Jawaban: Having been served lunch (seusai dihidangkan makan malam) Yang dihidangkan ialah 'the committee' 8. Florida has not yet ratified the equal rights amendment, and __________. (a) several other states hasn't either. (b) neither has some of the others states.

Subordinate conjunction ialah conjunction atau connector yang bisa terletak di awal dan di pertengahan kalimat. The principal purpose of aviation medicine is _____ by people aboard an air¬craft in flight. (A) to study the stress experienced (B) study the experienced stress (C) to study stress experiencing (D) study the stress experience Pembahasan Jawaban: is to study (is + to infinitive) adalah bentuk umum / sudah sangat umum digunakan dalam kalimat. To study the stress experienced (untuk memplejari tekanan yang dialami) 1. In simple animals. Reflex movement or involuntary response to stimuli. (A) behavior mostly (B) most is behavior (C) most behavior is (D) the most behavior Pembahasan Jawaban: (C) Most digunakan sebelum noncount noun untuk mengekspresikan suatu kuantitas yang lebih besar dari sentengah.

(c) the students could hand in their reports on Monday. (d) the student will on Monday the reports turn in.

Who of all 15. An axiomatic assumption in physics holds that all matter has kinetic energy.motion and mass. Because its b. Because of its c. Because it is d.

(A) Yesterday (B) In the morning (C) Traffic (D) Cars Dalam contoh di atas Anda melihat langsung bahwa ada sebuah, tapi tidak ada subjek. Jawaban (C) adalah jawaban yang tepat karena mengandung subjek tunggal 'traffic' dan sesuai dengan kata kerja tunggal 'was'. Jawaban (A), 'yesterday', dan jawaban (B), 'in the morning', bukanlah subjek, karenanya keduanya tidak benar. Meskipun jawaban (D), 'cars', bisa jadi subjek, itu pun tidak benar. Karena 'cars' berbentuk jamak, sehingga tidak sesuai dengan kata kerja tunggal 'was'. Susah cari metode belajar TOEFL yang Efektif?

(A) to being (B) being (C) be (D) on being Pembahasan Jawaban: Pasangan Phrase: intent + on 4. Woodrow Wilson believed the United States' entry into World War I would put a _____ to the war in months. (A) to stop (B) stop (C) stopping (D) will had stopped Pembahasan Jawaban: article 'a' + noun Dari pilihan jawaban hanya B yang merupakan kata benda (noun). _____ of New York's Erie Canal greatly enhanced trade in the upstate region.

Fast-food restaurants have become popular because many working people want. (A) to eat quickly and cheaply (B) eating quickly and cheaply (C) eat quickly and cheaply (D) the eat quickly and cheaply Pembahasan Jawaban: want + to infinitive 13. After seeing the movie Centennial.

Is a landmark in d. Is in a landmark 2. Young deer _________. Are called fawns b.

It was decided that he was not capable to complete the research d. His ability to finish the research was not believed or trusted 13. The committee members resented __________ a. The president that he did not tell them about the meeting b.

Melihat keseluruhan konteks dalam kalimat tersebut, maka jelaslah bahwa yang dimaksud disini adalah tomatoes dalam bentuk plural. Maka dari itu, pasangan yang sesuai setelah bentuk plural adalah singular. Jadi jawaban (B) salah dan harusnya diganti dengan kata singular grow.

They are affected because c. Affect them because d. Because affecting them 8. Only.feathered creatures inhabit the Arctic region year around. Fewer than c.

Anda Kurang Puas Beritahu Kami!!

On Ellesmere Island in the Arctic one fossil forest consist of a nearly hundred A B large stumps scattered on an exposed coal bed. The surface conditions on the planet Mars are the more like the Earth's than are A B C those of any other planet in the solar system. The midnight sun is a phenomenon in which the Sun visible remains in the sky A B C for twenty-four hours or longer. The Humber River and its valley form a major salmon-fishing, lumbering, hunting, A B C and farmer region in western Newfoundland, Canada. D Pembahasan Soal dan Jawaban A. Jawab: (C) To meet Keyword: the demands of aerospace Pembahasan: Pola infinitive phrase: to infinitive + object of to infinitive Kalimat tersebut menyatakan tujuan atau maksud.

Jawaban yang benar ialah B. Which berfungsi sebagai connector sekaligus sebagai subject dari verb (forebode).

A major problem in the construction of new buildings _______________ A. Is that windows have been eliminates while air conditioning systems have not been perfected B. Is they have eliminated windows and still don't have good air conditioning C. Is because windows are eliminated but air conditioners don't work good D.

The bicycle of John broke down B. It happened that John's bike broke down C.

Soal Toefl Dan Kunci Jawaban

May kick them ball d. Must kick them balls 8. The observation deck at the Sears Tower _________ in Chicago. Is highest than any other one b. Is highest than any other one c.

Kunci Jawaban Un

Karena itu pilihan yang tepat untuk perbandingan adalah rather than. An unconsolidated aggregate of slit particles is also termed slit, a consolidated aggregate is called siltstone. Whether Pembahasan Jawaban: Whereas Key word: an consolidated aggregate of slit particlesa consolidated aggregate. Kalimat ini membandingkan dua hal yang berbeda, yaitu unconsolidated aggregate of slit particles dan consolidated aggregate. Karena keduanya berbeda, kita membutuhkan kata sambung yang berarti 'sementara itu', yaitu whereas.

Jadi sebelum adjective clause di atas mesti ada noun yang dijelaskan. Pilihan C sudah jelas salah karena bukan noun yang sebelum adjective clause tapi 'been'. Langkah 2: Kalimat di atas terdapat 1 clause 'that try to explain the origins of the university' yang terdapat connector 'that' yang juga berfungsi sebagai subject dari verb 'try'. Adanya 1 connector menandakan dalam kalimat tersebut terdapat dua clause. Olehnya yang kita butuhkan dari pilihan jawaban ialah 1 clause.

The part to the 5. The bones of the elderly are more prone to fractures and splintering.of young people. Than those c. Those than d. English and Scottish settlers.Belfast as a trading post in 1613.


(C) Old-eight centuries. (D) eight-century-old. There were two small rooms in the beach house, _______ served as as a kitchen. (A) The smaller of which (B) The Smallest of which.

Read the following passage: John Quincy Adams, who served as the sixth president of the United States from 1825 to 1829, is today recognized for his masterful statesmanship and diplomacy. He dedicated his life to public service, both in the presidency and in the various other political offices that he held. Throughout his political career he demonstrated his unswerving belief in freedom of speech, the antislavery cause, and the right of Americans to be free from European and Asian domination. Example I To what did John Quincy Adams devote his life? (A) Improving his personal life (B) Serving the public (C) Increasing his fortune (D) Working on his private business According to the passage, John Quincy Adams 'dedicated his life to public service.'

Although masuk dalam kategori subordinate connector yang letaknya bisa di antara ke dua clause bisa juga depan kalimat. _____ several universities that have excellent engineering schools. (A) There are (B) The (C) There is a lot of (D) Some of Pembahasan Jawaban: Kalimat di atas terdapat dua clause ditandai adanya connector 'that'. Clause 1 '—— several universities' kehilangan kata kerja. Clause 2 'that have excellent engineering schools' sudah lengkap.

In the first few months of life, an infant learns how to lift its head, smile, and _____. (A) parents to recognize (B) recognize its parents (C) recognizing its parents (D) the recognizing of its parents Pembahasan Jawaban: Parallel Structure: lift (infinitive), smile (infinitive), and recognize (infinitive) 12. Juana Inez de la Cruz _____ Mexico's greatest female poet.

-Mungkin bagi agan2 yang baru ingin memesan pasti ragu dengan saya. Gak masalah gan, namanya juga costmer saya sebagai penjual mengerti kok:)) Kalau yang sudah mengenal AbidinSeto pasti uda ga ragu kok gann hehehe. Entar di bawah saya kirim bukti sertifikat yang sudah saya urus dan TESTIMONI costmer yang sudah memesan kepada saya. Untuk Privasi apakah bisa di jaga?

(A) the mouth (B) between the mouth (C) is between the mouth (D) it is between the mouth Pembahasan Jawaban: Subject dan verb sudah lengkap sehingga kita tidak butuh lagi verb atau pun subject lainnya jika tidak terdapat connector. Pilihan C dan D terdapat verb tanpa connector, jadi otomatis sudah salah. Jawaban yang paling tepat ialah B. Prinsip: Setiap kalimat bahasa Inggris mesti terdiri dari minimal 1 clause (subject + verb). Jika terdapat 2 clause maka mesti ada 1 connector. 3 clause mesti ada 2 connector.

In the United States. (A) becomes increasingly widespread (B) become increasingly widely spread (C) has become increasingly widespread (D) has increased and becomes spread widely 5. Horseradish has extended stems and a large root that is grated.

(A) high (B) high as is (C) higher than (D) the highest of Pembahasan Jawaban: as + adjective + as. Pilihan jawaban B yang terdapat as. The flight instructor, _______ at the air base, said that orders not to fight had been given.

The Caldecott Medal, _______ for the best children's picture book, is awarded each January. Download billiards game. (A) a prize (B) which prize (C) is a prize which (D) is a prize Pembahasan Jawaban: Cara 1: Kalimat di atas terdapat subject (The Caldecott Medal) dan verb (is awarded), ini berarti kalimat sudah lengkap. Kita sudah tidak butuh lagi kata kerja. Otomatis pilihan pilihan C dan D sudah tereliminasi.

Public television stations are different from commercial stations ________ ________ __ A. Because they receive money differently and different types of shows B. For money and program types C. In the areas of funding and programming D. Because the former receives money and has programs differently from the latter 9.

Pilihan A dan D kemudian salah karena terdapat lagi verb di dalamnya. Jadi jawaban paling tepat ialah C. Prinsip: Setiap kalimat bahasa Inggris mesti terdiri dari minimal 1 clause (subject + verb). Jika terdapat 2 clause maka mesti ada 1 connector.

A grass-eating, river-dwelling mammal, the hippopotamus —— to the pig. (A) being related (B) is related (C) relate (D) relating Pembahasan Jawaban: Soal di atas kehilangan verb. Jadi kita butuh verb untuk melengkapi kalimat. Hanya pilihan jawaban B dan C yang berisikan verb. Relate + to (relate merupakan transitive verb yang membutuhkan object jadi tidak boleh ada to menghalangi).

Had let photographers to enter into the building c. Permitting the photographers enter the building d. The photographers let into the building without the proper documentations 12. Richard was asked to withdraw from graduate school because ____________ a. They believed he was not really able to complete research b. He was deemed incapable of completing his research c.

Upon entering into the new school, 4. It is very difficult to stop the cultivation of marijuana because _____________ A. It grows very carelessly B. Or it`s growth without attention C. It grows well with little care D. It doesn`t care much to grow 5. The fact that space exploration has increased dramatically in the past thirty ________ ___ A.

Mutilate a doll 2 y8. Is that windows have been eliminates while air conditioning systems have not been perfected.

Soal Tes Toefl Dan Kunci Jawaban Pdf

There are three B. Three of the Pembahasan Jawaban: A. There are three Key word: main processes; involved in Frasa main processes menunjukkan kata benda jamak, sementara kata involved pada kalimat merupakan passive participle yang memiliki arti 'yang terlibat'. Jadi kalimat ini masih membutuhkan subject dan verb.

Most documentary filmmakers use neither actors. Studio setting. And Pembahasan Jawaban: Nor Key word: neither Penggunaan neither pasti selalu diikuti nor. Pearl Sydenstricker Buck,.

– Materi yang diujikan dalam tes Reading Comprehesion memiliki pola-pola dan standar tertentu. Anda diminta untuk mengetahui tema bacaan, menentukan pikiran pokok, mengetahui arti dari kosa kata tertentu, mengetahui informasi tertentu, melakukan penyimpulan, melakukan identifikasi atas pengecualian-pengecualian, dan mengetahui rujukan dari pronoun tertentu. Menguasai Kunci Menjawab Soal TOEFL Reading Comprehension – Kuasai 13 kunci menjawab soal TOEFL Reading Comprehension dalam software Genius TOEFL. – Banyak berlatih hingga Anda merasa matang dalam latihan software Genius TOEFL.

(c) Florida is as well (b) Florida too. (d) so does Florida Pembahasan Jawaban: Pola sederhana: so do I; so does he 11.

There are three Key word: main processes; involved in Frasa main processes menunjukkan kata benda jamak, sementara kata involved pada kalimat merupakan passive participle yang memiliki arti 'yang terlibat'. Jadi kalimat ini masih membutuhkan subject dan verb. Karena itu jawaban yang paling sesuai adalah there are three. Like bacteria, protozoansby splitting in two. Reproducing B. To reproduce D. Reproduction Pembahasan Jawaban: C.

It was nearly impossible to win him the case. The case had a minimum chance to be won by him. One of the professor's greatest attributes is _______________ A. When he gives lectures B.

Lines 14-15 d. Lines 18-20 50.

Now begin work on the questions. Questions 1-9 Carbon tetrachloride is a colorless and inflammable liquid that can be produced by combining carbon disulfide and chlorine. This compound is widely used in industry today because of its effectiveness as a solvent as well as its use in the production of propellants. Despite its widespread use in industry, carbon tetrachloride has been banned for home use. In the past, carbon tetrachloride was a common ingredient in cleaning compounds that were used throughout the home, but it was found to be dangerous: when heated, it changes into a poisonous gas that can cause severe illness and even death if it is inhaled. Because of this dangerous characteristic, the United States revoked permission for the home use of carbon tetrachloride in 1970. The United States has taken similar action with various other chemical compounds.

Any acid can, in principle, neutralize any base, although ______ between some of the more reactive compounds. (A) side reactions can occur (B) the occurrence of side reactions can (C) can side reactions occur (D) side reactions that can occur 9. Just over two-thirds of Earth's surface is covered by water. More than 98 percent of this water is contained in the oceans.

Sementara pilhan A dan B merupakan preposition. Dari segi makna sangat jelas pilihan jawabannya ialah C. Typically —— in meadows or damp woods and bloom in the spring. (A) wild violets grow (B) wild violets growth (C) growing wild violets (D) the growth of wild violets Prinsip: Setiap kalimat mesti mempunyai minimal 1 kombinasi subject dan verb. Pembahasan Jawaban: Di soal di atas tidak terdapata subject dan verb.

(A) advocating (B) they had advocated (C) to advocating (D) to advocate when Pembahasan Jawaban: 'advocating temperance and the abolition of slavery' merupaka adjective yang menjelaskan / memberi informasi tambahan terkait 'reform movements'. Many meteorites are thought to have originated from __ that once existed between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. (A) where a planet or planets (B) a planet or planets so (C) which a planet or planets (D) a planet or planets Pembahasan Jawaban: 'that once existed between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter' merupakan adjective clause yang menandakan adanya noun yang dijelaskan sebelumnya. 10.The modem automobile is a __ composed of more than 14,000 parts. (A) complex technical system (B) system of complex technical (C) complex technical system that (D) system is technically complex Pembahasan Jawaban: article 'a' menandakan adanya noun setelahnya. Selain itu 'composed of more than 14,000 parts' merupakan adjective yang menandakan adanya noun debelumnya. __ over 100 years since the invention of the square-bottomed paper bag.

Pada dasarnya, dari keseluruhan soal yang diujikan pada tes TOEFL, bagian TOEFL structure adalah bagian yang paling sulit meskipun jumlah soalnya adalah yang paling sedikit diantara bagian soal listening maupun reading, karena sesi ini dalam TOEFL ITP menguji kemampuan para peserta dalam bidang grammar (tata bahasa) bahasa Inggris (English).

Soal Tes TOEFL dan Pembahasan Jawaban Structure (Model Test 1) Soal-soal TOEFL dan pembahasan kunci jawabannya kini sedang gencar dicari oleh para pelajar yang ingin mengikut tes TOEFL. Soal tes toeic dan kunci jawaban - Apakah Anda sedang mencari informasi terbaru di tentang Soal tes toeic dan kunci jawaban ini? Jika Anda tidak menemukan info mengenai Soal tes toeic dan kunci jawaban di bawah ini, maka kami sarankan Anda untuk mencoba atau mencari hasil pencarian lainnya di Terima kasih. Kunci TOEFL Structure. Jadi jawaban (B) salah dan harusnya diganti dengan kata. Bagi sebagian besar para calon peserta tes TOEFL, bagian soal TOEFL listening.

Bagian soal structure and written expression ini biasanya diletakkan pada bagian kedua setelah sesi listening selesai. Anda sebagai peserta akan diminta mengerjakan 40 soal yang berkaitan dengan struktur atau grammar bahasa Inggris dalam waktu 25 menit. Jadi, secara matematis Anda hanya diberi waktu sekitar 37,5 detik untuk mengerjakan satu buah soal. Oleh karena itu, Anda dituntut berpikir cepat tapi teliti dalam menjawab soal-soal yang ada.

Materi soal structure and Written Expression ini memiliki dua model yang meliputi sentence completion atau incomplete sentense (melengkapi kalimat) pada part A. Dalam model pertanyaan ini terdapat lima belas (15) soal pertama, yaitu untuk soal nomor 1 s/d 15. Pada incomplete sentence, Anda diharuskan memilih satu jawaban yang paling benar diantara 4 jawaban yang disediakan. Sementara part B biasanya disebut sebagai error identification atau underlined words (mengindentifikasi kesalahan gramatikal). Pada model ini terdiri dari 25 soal berikutnya (soal no. Videopad 6 registration code. 16 s/d 40), dimana Anda diharuskan dapat mengindentifikasi bagian mana yang secara grammatika salah diantara 4 kata atau frasa yang digarisbawahi.

Kunci TOEFL Structure: Perhatikan Elemen Pembentuk Kalimat dan Hubungan antar Kalimat

Soal Tes Toeic Dan Kunci Jawabannya

Pada dasarnya, di semua cabang ilmu pengetahuan pasti mengenal konsep dan istilah structure (struktur). Sebuah struktur biasanya memiliki tiga hal pokok yang utama yaitu elemen pembentuk kalimat, keterkaitan/hubungan antar elemen kalimat, dan pola yang mengikat semua elemen tersebut. Begitu pula yang terjadi pada soal TOEFL structure dimana Anda harus mengenali satuan terkecil yang diujikan dalam sebuah kalimat.

Untuk penjelasan lebih detil, berikut disampaikan beragam soal TOEFL structure dan pembahasannya:

  1. I wish you would tell me ………………….
    (A) Who is being lived next door
    (B) Who does live in the next door
    (C) Who lives next door
    (D) Who next door was living

Urutan kalimat yang benar adalah subject + verb + (complement) + (modifier). Jadi kalimat (D) sudah pasti salah karena tidak sesuai aturan baku. Sedangkan pada kalimat (A), is being lived tidak mungkin pada model struktur verbal. Kemudian kalimat (B) dapat diabaikan karena kata does dan in the tidak penting berada dalam kalimat model ini. Jadi jawaban yang benar adalah (C).

  • During the Daytona, the lead car …………………., leaving the others far behind.
    (A) Forwarded rapidly
    (B) Advanced rapidly
    (C) Advanced forward rapidly
    (D) Advanced in a rapidly manner

Setelah subject ‘the lead car' tentunya Anda akan membutuhkan verb untuk melengkapi kalimat tersebut. Kata forward bukan merupakan verb, jadi jawaban (A) salah. Lalu jawaban (B) adalah benar verb + adverb rapidly. Jawaban (C) berlebihan karena advanced artinya move forward, sedangkan jawaban (D) tidak tepat karena rapidly harusnya digunakan sebagai bentuk adjective.

  • In the(A) United States, there(B) are much(C) holidays throughout the(D) year.

    Dalam kalimat ini tampak bahwa kata much dapat dikategorikan sebagai non-count nouns sedangkan kata holidays merupakan count noun.
    Jadi kata yang salah adalah (C) yang harusnya diganti dengan kata many.

  • Tomatoes(A) grows(B) all(C) year long in(D) Florida.

    Melihat keseluruhan konteks dalam kalimat tersebut, maka jelaslah bahwa yang dimaksud disini adalah tomatoes dalam bentuk plural. Maka dari itu, pasangan yang sesuai setelah bentuk plural adalah singular. Jadi jawaban (B) salah dan harusnya diganti dengan kata singular grow.

Perhatikan Kosakata dan Tata Bahasa yang Benar

Seperti yang telah diuraikan di atas bahwa TOEFL structure merupakan bagian yang paling sulit dari keseluruhan pembelajaran tes TOEFL. Oleh karena itu, Anda tidak akan dapat mengerti serta memahami apa itu structure dan bagaimana metode yang benar untuk mengerjakannya hanya dengan sekilas pandang atau mempelajarinya dalam waktu yang pendek. Misalnya, Anda tidak mungkin bisa menguasai soal-soal structure jika Anda baru mulai belajar pada hari Sabtu sementara Anda akan mengikuti tes TOEFL pada hari Senin. Sebagai tambahan, komponen utama dalam tata Bahasa Inggris adalah adanya subject dan verb.

Kehadiran subject dan verb ini sangatlah penting sebagai komponen dasar kalimat. Sementara itu, tata Bahasa Inggris juga mengenal perbedaan waktu pengucapan, apakah itu terjadi pada masa sekarang, masa lampau, atau masa mendatang. Perbedaan waktu ini akan turut mempengaruhi bentuk kata kerja yang digunakan serta rumus yang digunakan. Jadi, pemahaman akan bentuk atau pola rumus (Simple Present atau Simple Past atau Simple Future Tense) merupakan hal yang sangat penting dalam pembahasan TOEFL structure.

Soal Tes Toeic Dan Kunci Jawaban 2019

Tips Mengerjakan soal Structure and Written Expression

Agar Anda bisa dengan mudah mengerjakan soal-soal pada sesi ini, alangkah baiknya jika Anda mengetahui Tips atau saran dalam mengerjakannya agar Anda mampu mendapatkan nilai yang terbaik. Berikut adalah beberapa Tips pada saat mengerjakan soal pada sesi structure and written expression:

  1. Relax dan jangan tegang dalam mengerjakan setiap soal.
  2. Tetap teliti walaupun Anda diharuskan menjawab secara cepat. Hal ini dikarenakan banyak sekali jebakan dalam soal-soal structure anda wrutten expression ini.
  3. Jangan terpaku pada satu soal. Ingat, waktu Anda sangat terbatas.
  4. Lebih Khusus kenali:
    • Penggunaan part of speech (noun, adjective, dll) dalam kalimat
    • Agreement of person (misalnya: She is bukan she are); Agreement of number (misalnya: Many moons bukan many moon); dan Agreement of tense (misalnya: I saw it yesterday bukan I see it yesterday)
    • Word order (susuna kata), misalnya: beautiful girl bukan girl beautiful.
  5. Sering-seringlah berlatih menjawab soal-soal yang berkualitas TOEFL. Hal ini dikarenakan semakin Anda mengenal model-model soal TOEFL, semakin mudah Anda menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang ada.

Bagaimana penjelasan tentang TOEFL Structure diatas? sudah jelas bukan? Untuk membuat Anda lebih jelas lagi tentang TOEFL ITP dalam sesi Structure, Ayo coba kuis dibawah ini! Kuis TOEFL Structure ini adalah satu dari tiga kuis TOEFL yang ada. Untuk mencoba semua kuis dari tiga sesi TOEFL ITP, silahkan kunjungi link Tes TOEFL Online ini!

Structure and Written


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  1. Answered
  2. Review
  1. 1. Question

    Section 2 — Structure and Written Expression

    This section is designed to measure your ability to recognize language that is appropriate for standard written English. There are two types of questions in this section, with special directions for each type.


    Directions: Questions 1–4 are incomplete sentences. Beneath each sentence you will see four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen.

    Look at the following examples:
    Example I

    Geysers have often been compared to volcanoes _______ they both emit hot liquids from below the Earth's surface.

    A. due to
    B. because
    C. in spite of
    D. regardless of
    The sentence should read, 'Geysers have often been compared to volcanoes because they both emit hot liquids from below the Earth's surface.' Therefore, you should choose answer B.

    Example II

    During the early period of ocean navigation, ________ any need for sophisticated instruments and techniques.

    A. so that hardly
    B. where there hardly was
    C. hardly was
    D. there was hardly
    The sentence should read, 'During the early period of ocean navigation, there was hardly any need for sophisticated instruments and techniques.' Therefore, you should choose answer D.

    Now begin work on the questions.

    1. The North Pole___________ a latitude of 90 degrees north.

    • it has
    • is having
    • which is having
    • has
  2. 2. Question

    2. The city of Beverly Hills is surrounded on ________ the city of Los Angeles.

    • its sides
    • the sides are
    • it is the side of
    • all sides by
  3. 3. Question

    3. ________ greyhound, can achieve speeds up to thirty-six miles per hour.

    • The
    • The fastest
    • The fastest dog
    • The fastest dog, the
  4. 4. Question

    4. Marmots spend their time foraging among meadow plants and flowers or ________ on rocky cliffs.

    • gets sun
    • sunning
    • the sun
    • sunny
  5. 5. Question

    5. The greenhouse effect occurs ________ heat radiated from the Sun.

    • when does the Earth's atmosphere trap
    • does the Earth's atmosphere trap
    • when the Earth's atmosphere traps
    • the Earth's atmosphere traps
  6. 6. Question

    6. The Rose Bowl, ________ place on New Year's Day, is the oldest postseason collegiate football game in the United States.

    • takes
    • it takes
    • which takes
    • took
  7. 7. Question

    7. Experiments ________ represent a giant step into the medicine of the future.

    • using gene therapy
    • use gene therapy
    • they use
    • gene therapy uses
  8. 8. Question

    8. ________ off the Hawaiian coastline are living, others are dead.

    • While some types of coral reefs
    • Some types of coral reefs
    • There are many types of coral reefs
    • Coral reefs
  9. 9. Question

    9. Nimbostratus clouds are thick, dark gray clouds ________ forecast rain.

    • what
    • which
    • what they
    • which they
  10. 10. Question

    10. Some economists now suggest that home equity loans are merely a new trap to push consumers beyond ________.

    • they can afford
    • they can afford it
    • what is affordable
    • able to afford
  11. 11. Question

    11. People who reverse the letters of words ________ to read suffer from dyslexia.

    • when trying
    • if they tried
    • when tried
    • if he tries
  12. 12. Question

    12. Featured at the Henry Ford Museum ________ of antique cars dating from 1865.

    • is an exhibit
    • an exhibit
    • an exhibit is
    • which is an exhibit
  13. 13. Question

    13. Rubber ________ from vulcanized silicones with a high molecular weight is difficult to distinguish from natural rubber.

    • is produced
    • producing
    • that produces
    • produced
  14. 14. Question

    14. ________ appears considerably larger at the horizon than it does overhead is merely an optical illusion.

    • The Moon
    • That the Moon
    • When the Moon
    • The Moon which
  15. 15. Question

    15. According to the World Health Organization, ________ there to be an outbreak of any of the six most dangerous diseases, it could be cause for quarantine.

    • were
    • they were
    • there were
    • were they
  16. 16. Question

    Written Expression
    Directions: In questions 5–10, each sentence has four underlined words or phrases. The four underlined parts of the sentence are marked A, B, C and D. Identify the one underlined word or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen.

    Look at the following examples:

    Example I
    Guppies are sometimes call rainbow fishbecause of the males' bright colors
    A call
    B fish
    C because
    D bright

    The sentence should read, 'Guppies are sometimes called rainbow fish because of the males' bright colors.' Therefore, you should choose answer A.

    Example II
    Serving several term in Congress, Shirley Chisholm became an important United States politician.
    A. Serving
    B. term
    C. important
    D. politician

    The sentence should read, 'Serving several terms in Congress, Shirley Chisholm became an important United States politician.' Therefore, you should choose answer B.

    Now begin work on the questions.

    16. On the floor of the Pacific Ocean is hundreds of flat-topped mountains more than a mile

    • the floor of
    • is
    • flat-topped
    • more than
  17. 17. Question

    17. Because of the flourish with which John Hancock signed the Declaration of Independence,
    his name becomesynonymous with signature.

    • which
    • his
    • become
    • synonymous
  18. 18. Question

    18. Segregation in public schools was declareunconstitutional by the Supreme Court in 1954.

    • public
    • was declare
    • unconstitutional
    • in 1954
  19. 19. Question

    19. Sirius, the Dog Star, is the most brightest star in the sky with an absolute magnitude about twenty-three timesthat of the Sun.

    • the most brightest star
    • an absolute
    • twenty-three times
    • that
  20. 20. Question

    Killer whales tendto wander in family clusters that hunt, play, and restingtogether.

    • tend
    • to wander
    • resting
    • together
  21. 21. Question

    21. Some of the most useful resistormaterial are carbon, metals, and metallic alloys.

    • Some of
    • most useful resistor
    • material
    • metallic
  22. 22. Question

    22. The community of Bethesda, Maryland, was previousknownas Darcy's Store.

    • The community
    • previous
    • known
    • as
  23. 23. Question

    23. Alloys of gold and copper have been widelyusing in various types of coins.

    • have
    • widely
    • using
    • various types
  24. 24. Question

    24. J. H. Pratt used group therapy early in this century when he brought tuberculosis patients together to discuss its disease.

    • group
    • early
    • when he
    • its
  25. 25. Question

    25. The United States has importall carpet wools in recent years because domestic wools are too fine and soft for carpets.

    • import
    • all
    • because
    • too fine
  26. 26. Question

    26. Irving Berlin wrote 'Oh How I Hate to Get Up in the Morning' while serving in a U.S. Army during World War 1.

    • wrote
    • while serving
    • a
    • during
  27. 27. Question

    27. Banks are rushing to merge because consolidations enable them to slash theirs costs and expand.

    • are rushing
    • enable them
    • theirs
    • expand
  28. 28. Question

    28. That water has a very high specific heat means that without a large temperature change water can add or lose a large number of heat.

    • That
    • means
    • add or lose
    • number
  29. 29. Question

    29. Benny Goodman was equally talented as both a jazz performeras well as a classical musician.

    • equally
    • performer
    • as well as
    • classical
  30. 30. Question

    30. The state seal still used in Massachusetts designed by Paul Revere, who also designed the first Continental currency.

    • still used
    • designed by
    • who
    • the first
  31. 31. Question

    31.Quarter horses were developed in eighteenth-century- Virginia to race on courses short of about a quarter of a mile in length.

    • to race
    • courses short
    • of a mile
    • in length.
  32. 32. Question

    32. No longersatisfied with the emphasis of the Denishawn School, Martha Graham has moved to the staff of the Eastman School in 1925.

    • No longer
    • satisfied
    • the emphasis
    • has moved
  33. 33. Question

    33. William Hart was an actbest known for his roles as western heroes in silent films.

    • act
    • best known
    • his
    • as
  34. 34. Question

    34. Prior to an extermination program earlier this century, alive wolves roamed across nearly all of North America.

    • Prior to
    • earlier
    • alive
    • across nearly
  35. 35. Question

    35. During the 1960s the Berkeley campus of the University of California came to national attention as a result its radical political activity.

    • During
    • came to
    • result
    • political
  36. 36. Question

    36. Artist Gutzon Borglum designed the Mount Rushmore Memorial and worked on project from 1925 untilhis death in 1941.

    • Artist
    • project
    • until
    • his
  37. 37. Question

    37. It is proving less costly and more profitably for drug makers to marketdirectly to patients.

    • costly
    • profitably
    • to market
    • directly
  38. 38. Question

    38. Sapphires weighingas much as two pounds have on occasion mined.

    • weighing
    • as
    • two pounds
    • mined.
  39. 39. Question

    39. Like snakes, lizards can be found on all others continents except Antarctica.

    • Like
    • be found
    • others
    • except
  40. 40. Question

    40. Banks, savings and loans, and finance companies have recently been doing home equity loans with greater frequency than ever before.

    • have recently
    • doing
    • greater frequency
    • ever before


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